Monatsarchive: Mai 2024

Fabio De Masi (BSW) on the war in Ukraine

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Thomas Geisel (BSW) on diplomacy with Russia

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Most Anything That You Want

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Humboldt Universität

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B’90/Grüne Sachsen

OK, so I know I don’t exactly live in Sachsen, but I am in your minds a Putin-Freund and historically I have been oh so definitely a Fortschrittsfeind. Lash me, Sachsen Grüne Frauen! You know you want to. Make it … Weiterlesen

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Blinken willing to work with Congress on potential sanctions against ICC

Reuters: The Biden administration is willing to work with Congress to potentially impose sanctions against international criminal court officials over the prosecutor’s request for arrest warrants for Israeli leaders over the Gaza war, Antony Blinken, the secretary of state, said … Weiterlesen

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The European Democracy Shield

Ursula von der Leyen:

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Den größten Sieg verbuchte der Westen mit dem militärischen Überfall Russlands auf die Ukraine

Georg Rammer, Ossietzky: Die USA mobilisierten eine »hemmungslose Kriegspropaganda-Maschinerie« (Ulrike Guérot), und Deutschland und die EU folgten. Als wäre ein Damm gebrochen, entlud sich eine gewaltige Welle von Kriegspropaganda von Regierung, CDU/CSU und Leitmedien. Dabei handelte es sich nicht um (berechtigte) Verurteilung des russischen Überfalls, … Weiterlesen

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A Global War Regime

Michael Hardt & Sandro Mezzadra, New Left Review: The incessant parade of armed confrontations, large and small, serve to prop up a militarized governance structure that takes different forms in different places, and is guided by a multi-level structure of … Weiterlesen

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Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, Péter Szijjártó, May 8, 2024

Kommentare deaktiviert für Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, Péter Szijjártó, May 8, 2024

It must not be supposed that the officials in charge of education desire the young to become educated. On the contrary, their problem is to impart information without imparting intelligence. Education should have two objects: first, to give definite knowledge—reading … Weiterlesen

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Early on a weekday morning the graveyard was deserted. A Turkish man my age and I were pleasantly surprised to find we were not alone. I lit my candle next to the fresh flowers, we exchanged stories, agreed the world … Weiterlesen

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