Monatsarchive: Juni 2024

25.06.1979 Attack on Alexander Haig

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One of the real truths of the 21st century, and earlier, is that history is speeding up. We’re all on a sort of rollercoaster now. There are existential threats that weren’t fully acknowledged not so long ago. We are sort … Weiterlesen

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If we maintain a presence in a Germany that is a part of NATO, there would be no extension of NATO’s jurisdiction for forces of NATO one inch to the east.

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Glenn Greenwald and Tucker Carlson on BDS

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Europawahl 2024 Deutschland

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From the testimony of former hostages interviewed by the Russian media, it seems virtually certain that the terrorists did have ample time to destroy many of the hostages before they themselves had been overcome by the gas or shot by … Weiterlesen

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Yeltsin disbands the legislature, sends tanks to shell parliament, kills demonstrators in order to oppose those who openly advocate an authoritarian model of government

Yeltsin’s main dilemma throughout his entire administration was just how far he was willing to violate democracy in order to save it. In fall 1993, the Supreme Soviet—the parliament, which was still full of ex-Soviet apparatchiks—had blocked his reforms and … Weiterlesen

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Biden at G7

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Kommentare deaktiviert für 09.06.1954

Gabor Maté on children in Gaza and his own experience as a Jewish child in 1940s Hungary

Kommentare deaktiviert für Gabor Maté on children in Gaza and his own experience as a Jewish child in 1940s Hungary

Fabio De Masi (BSW) on the war in Ukraine

Kommentare deaktiviert für Fabio De Masi (BSW) on the war in Ukraine

Sahra Wagenknecht at Alexanderplatz

Kommentare deaktiviert für Sahra Wagenknecht at Alexanderplatz