Monatsarchive: März 2020

Stasi-Opas im Glück

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Known unknowns

BBC: Meanwhile, as the US shortage of face masks becomes severe, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said nurses can „use homemade masks (e.g., bandana, scarf) for care of patients with Covid‑19“. The CDC, one of the … Weiterlesen

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Rampant Biden

BBC: My mother was a charter subscriber to Ms. Magazine, which had a No Comment page with offensive advertising, often somewhat bizarre stuff. Rampant Joe Biden reminds me of the Nixon and Ford Administrations, coming home from school, finding a … Weiterlesen

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I just don’t understand how the Austrians and Germans of the 1930s could so easily have dispensed with their rights! What was wrong with those people?

Kronen Zeitung: Ein großes heimisches Telekommunikations-Unternehmen stellte auf Eigen­initiative der Regierung – natürlich anonymisiert – die Bewegungsprofile aller Handynutzer österreichweit von einem bestimmten Tag zur Verfügung! Verglichen wurde der vergangene Samstag mit jenem vor einer Woche. Aufgrund der Daten ist … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für I just don’t understand how the Austrians and Germans of the 1930s could so easily have dispensed with their rights! What was wrong with those people?

Wird die offene Gesellschaft erwürgt, um sie zu retten?

René Schlott, SZ: Mit atemberaubender Geschwindigkeit und mit einer erschütternden Bereit­willig­keit seitens der Bevölkerung werden Rechte außer Kraft gesetzt, die in Jahrhunderten mühsam erkämpft worden sind: das Recht auf Versammlungs­freiheit, die Religions­freiheit, das Recht auf Bildung, das Recht auf Freizügigkeit, … Weiterlesen

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How long will social distancing for coronavirus have to last?

Washington Post: „The U.S. situation, one epidemiologist said, is the equivalent of someone asking an exterminator what it will take to get rid of rats in a basement they’ve been too afraid to enter for weeks. You have to turn … Weiterlesen

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March 16, 1968

Stars and Stripes: Calley led one of Charlie Company’s three platoons and was responsible for numerous killings himself, was the only soldier convicted of a crime at My Lai. He was sentenced to life in prison but served only three … Weiterlesen

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Draconian measures

Guardian: The two-hour debate, hosted by CNN and Univision, took place as viewers across the nation retreated into their homes amid disruptive, even draconian, efforts to slow the spread of coronavirus. Hours earlier, New York City had ordered public schools closed; … Weiterlesen

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‚What I like about coronavirus‘

Slavoj Žižek: ‘If you add to this a possible new wave of refugees you get the perfect storm, and I think that Europe is so weakened that it will not be able to react in a unified way, and that’s … Weiterlesen

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Imagine we were to visit Dante’s Hell now and find there in the Third Circle today’s Ciacco, a gluttonous Western European who ignores the plight of migrants, focused as he is on continuing his consumption undisturbed. If we were to … Weiterlesen

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200.000 bis 1,7 Millionen Menschen

taz: ExpertInnen gehen davon aus, dass sich in den kommenden Wochen und Monaten zwischen einem und zwei Dritteln der Bevölkerung an dem „ausländischen Virus“ – wie Trump Corona nennt – anstecken werden. Nach Schätzungen von Experten der Bundesbehörde Center for … Weiterlesen

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Coronavirus: Disarray hits US airports over health screenings

BBC: Long queues formed as travellers waited for hours for the screenings before passing through customs. Earlier Vice-President Mike Pence said a ban imposed on European nations over the pandemic would be extended to the UK and Ireland on Tuesday. … Weiterlesen

Kommentare deaktiviert für Coronavirus: Disarray hits US airports over health screenings